Hey, traveller! As a journalist, a Portuguese as Second Language teacher and a cyclist, I am always keen to meet new people and share stories around my dinner table. I'm a 42yo Brazilian from Rio de Janeiro and I have been living in Lisboa since 2017. My companion is Nuno Banu, a Portuguese bartender with Moçambique background: he dances Kuduro, speaks crioulo and loves to balance himself on the top of a slack line here and there. As a couple, we have cool projects together: from bike travel tours to performing on stilt legs for Carnival we can be fun and outgoing naturally.
For now, we are opening our house for steady visitors that would stay for short term stay, 5-10 days.
If you are looking to stay with locals that have good awareness of the city, and good secret tips and walkabouts, and would love to share your travel story, you would love to stay with us in Belém.
Ah! We do have pets: two male cats that are adorable, with symbolic names: Manteiga and Tatuí.