Vizitka vlasnika Vu Nam - Flatio
kao Stanar kao Najmodavac kao F4B
Landlords profile photo
Do sada nema ocjena
Vu Nam T.
Heroj susjedstva
Odivelas, Lisabon
Heroj susjedstva
Prikaži životopis


Apartment T2 - Odivelas - Colinas Cruzeiro

Ocijenjeno: 04.08.2024 Duljina boravka: 1 mjesec

The apartment is located very conveniently close to stores, restaurants and a bus stop.
Nam has gone out of his way to help us navigate the area, help us with luggage upon arrival and when we had any inconvenience he would be very responsive to resolve it right away.
The kitchen is well equipped and the living room is spacious. Clean when we arrived with a nice welcome gift.
Highly recommend staying here if you like to stay around Odivelas.

Outskirts of Lisbon with many residential zones. 15min drive from downtown

tenant photo

Jonas V.

Sigurnost susjedstva
Usluge u blizini
Javni prijevoz

O meni
Olá. Chamo-me Nam. Moro em Portugal com a minha família há alguns anos. Gosto muito da cultura portuguesa, o clima típico no oceano Atlântico, gastronomia ibérico. Fico sempre feliz em ter ir com os estrangeiros /expats/ ou os visitantes internacionais para trocar as ideas ou simplesmente para termos uma conversa em qualquer assunto sobre finança, economia, tecnologia, desporto, futebol, gastronomia, etc ***** Hi there. My name is Nam. I have been living in Portugal for a couple of years. I enjoy the Portuguese culture, the weather, food, and happy to meet up with other expats / foreigners / international visitors to exchange the ideas or simply just a normal chat about finance, economics, tech, sport, food, or just simply about normal daily life's issues.
Vaši hobiji
O meu passatempo é jogar o tênis, fazer o caminho marítimo, ouvir a música Kizomba ****** My hobby is playing tennis, walking along the beach or mountain, and listening to Kizomba music.

Zadnji put online
28 dana
Registracija na Flatio
Lipanj 2023

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