Vizitka vlasnika Gabor - Flatio
kao Stanar kao Najmodavac kao F4B
Landlords profile photo
Gabor N.
Prikaži životopis


Cozy studio with balcony close to Westend mall

Ocijenjeno: 19.01.2024 Duljina boravka: 10 dana

Very happy with apartment and the owner is a good guy!

Preporučena mjesta u blizini
Mew York Cafe

tenant photo

Paul V.

Sigurnost susjedstva nije ocijenjeno
Usluge u blizini
Javni prijevoz

Cozy studio with balcony close to Westend mall

Ocijenjeno: 06.01.2024 Duljina boravka: 16 dana

Mindennel meg voltam elégedve , csak a kávéfőző hiánya okozott kis kellemetlenséget

Nyugodt hely közel a metró megállóhoz amivel minden érdemleges hely elérhető .

Preporučena mjesta u blizini
Imádom Budapestet nekem minden hely megéri a látogatást . A vár negyed a Városliget és környéke és a Shoppinghoz az Andrássy út .

tenant photo

Györgyi P.

Sigurnost susjedstva
Usluge u blizini
Javni prijevoz

O meni
Hello there, I am Gabor. This lovely apartment is mine with unique interior design for my personal needs. Since I moved abroad for a few months I would like to rent it out for someone who will move in as its his/her property and like this he/she takes good care of it.
Vaši hobiji
I am interested in travel a lot. The further from home the more fun :) But when I am not abroad, I live normal life, spend time with my loved ones and friends. I am also a hobby DJ and like to listen and play electronic music on my own dj booth. Sports are very important for me. I go to run around the Margitsziget 5 times a week. Its exactly 10 km to get there, run around and return back to the flat. I would recommend you to try it as well. I hope you will enjoy spending time in my studio. Let me know if you need any help.

Zadnji put online
22 dana
Registracija na Flatio
Travanj 2023

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