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Svakim iznajmljivanjem putem Flatio, automatski ste pokriveni našim paketom StayProtection.
Rezervacijom ove nekretnine uživati ćete i u proširenoj zaštiti u obliku Stay Benefits - jedinstvene ponude koju podržava AXA! Evo što takav paket uključuje:
Blažena obično odgovara na poruke unutar 11 sati .
Kada pošaljete zahtjev za rezervaciju, najmodavac je obaviješten da ste zainteresirani za njihovu ponudu. Od tog trenutka, oni imaju 24 sata da odobre ili odbiju vašu rezervaciju.
Najmodavci su uglavnom zainteresirani za profil svog stanara. Ne zaboravite ispuniti sve potrebne informacije, dodati svoju profilnu sliku ili čak napraviti kratki video o sebi. Time ćete biti privlačniji vlasniku i vaša će rezervacija vjerojatnije biti odobrena.
Možete pregledati ugovor unaprijed i online uz svaku ponudu. Nakon što ga potpišete, pronaći ćete ga u aplikaciji Moj Boravak.
Dok ugovarate ugovor na Flatio, ne morate se brinuti da bi vam mogao biti nepovoljan. Naši ugovori su napravljeni tako da izbjegnemo sve probleme! Svi su isti, koriste ih svi najmodavci na Flatio.
Vaše vrijeme je dragocjeno. Zato smo dodali opciju virtualnog obilaska na našoj platformi kako biste mogli vidjeti neke od najmova navedenih na Flatio iz udobnosti vlastitog doma.
Ako virtualni obilazak nije dostupan za odabrani smještaj, možete kontaktirati najmodavca i pitati ih jesu li voljni dati vam osobni obilazak unajmljene jedinice.
U slučaju da se uselite i unajmljeni smještaj ne odgovara informacijama na Flatiu, obavijestite nas što prije!
Ako su uvjeti za povlačenje ispunjeni i najmodavac ne može odmah riješiti problem, imate mogućnost povući se iz ugovora o najmu uz puni povrat novca. Također ćemo vam aktivno pomoći pronaći alternativni smještaj i biti uz vas dok se sve potpuno ne riješi.
Uvjeti i svi detalji o našoj Garanciji useljenja mogu se pročitati u ovom članku našeg Centra za pomoć.
Kako možete otkazati rezervaciju ovisi o tome u kojoj je fazi rezervacija.
Je li vaš zahtjev za rezervaciju još uvijek na čekanju za odobrenje najmodavca? Tada ga jednostavno možete otkazati izravno iz svoje Moj Boravak web aplikacije!
Međutim, recimo da je vlasnik već odobrio vaš zahtjev za rezervaciju i više niste zainteresirani za njega. U tom slučaju, još uvijek možete otkazati rezervaciju prije nego što potpišete ugovor o najmu. Samo imajte na umu da to trebate učiniti samo u nužnim slučajevima. Jer kada najmodavac prihvati vašu rezervaciju, njihova se nekretnina prestaje oglašavati i oni mogu izgubiti priliku iznajmiti svoju nekretninu nekome drugome.
Imate li odobrenu rezervaciju i također važeći ugovor? Kako biste otkazali svoju rezervaciju, kontaktirajte Flatio korisničku podršku dovoljno prije početka vašeg ugovora (specifično vrijeme i iznos povrata ovisi o vrsti politike otkazivanja).
Bez brige ako se u ovom stanu ne osjećate kao kod kuće. Imamo razne apartmane koji odgovaraju različitim potrebama. Naša stambena platforma nudi 868 druge stanove za najam u Prag koji bi mogli najbolje odgovarati vašim potrebama - imamo najbolji jeftini smještaj u Prag za vas.
Svi apartmani dolaze bez pologa gdje je to moguće i s režijama koje su već uključene u najam, tako da ne morate brinuti o skrivenim naknadama i možete uživati u svom boravku u Prag.
Štoviše, u slučaju bilo kakvih problema, imamo ljubaznu korisničku podršku koja će vam pomoći riješiti sve vaše probleme. Stoga provjerite druge apartmane u Prag i uživajte u svom boravku.
Što ćete dobiti?
Savjeti za putovanje kao digitalni nomad
Sve pogodnosti Flatio besplatno
Posebne ponude po posebnim cijenama - samo za registrirane osobe!
Very good location, everything you could need is near.
Just go out and begin to walk.
literie laisse à désiré ainsi que linge de bain vraiment limite.
Pas de chaise pour le petit bureau et absence de lampe de chevet.
La chambre est très grande en revanche et pourrait être mieux aménagement à peu de frais.
quartier résidentiel, très proche des transports et du centre.
My honest thought is that the owner is only making money from this old looking flat and not paying attention to detail or asking tenants keep facilities in good condition. It is true that I was contacted to take pictures of the broken part near the boiler in the bathroom, so they are supposedly trying to do some maintenance with the paint and humidity stains.
This thought is fueled by the fact that when I was making the reservation my price went higher from the one sponsored on the web (637€/30 days), the owner said that ''the calendar was open automatically'' which at first shows how careless for our experience the owner is and also it was an opportunistic move from the owner to get more money from me as an overseas student pulling the price to 16500 czk (678€/30 days) + Flatio's fees.
Every local in Prague I spoke about the price of my room told me this price is too expensive and that I had gotten scammed for being a 'tourist', etc, specially when the owner doesn't even provide toilet paper, hand soap, washing machine detergent...
The day of the handover I didn't meet up with Blažena, I was told to start contacting 'Martina' in WhatsApp which is not following Flatio's rules, etc.
The flat is located near Atrium Flora's department store, Flora's metro and Radhotska tram line. The appartment is below floor and the building has a room with trash cans with wheels to make it easier to take out the trash. There's recycling 2 minutes walking from the house.
First thing I noticed in the flat was that the doors were extremely difficult to close: Everytime you wanted to close any door in the house you would need to smash them with a lot of strength and making noise for everyone in the flat. This room is private and has a key to lock it.
The building's entrance door and flat's principal door are working properly and not so noisy in comparison.
The room is big and spacious. Sadly the chair in the room is old and uncomfortable to sit on while using the table, so you might consider finding a pillow. The power supply nearest to the bed is loose, the beige cover's of the sofa pillows are covered in old stains. Good thing is that the owner provides you a towel and a duvet. The table is suspiciously placed over a humidity stain on the corner of the room, as if they were trying to hide it. The Wi-Fi works well.
The common areas are divided in entrance, kitchen, small room with just the toilet, I think that was very useful giving the condition that you will share the flat with more people, and a corridor to the bathroom/washing machine room.
The oven works well, but the default baking tray and other oven accesories are old, stained, oily, looking disgusting, so this aspect comes back to the first thought of the tenants not taking care of anything in this appartment because the tenant is as well being careless about the conditions. Both the bathroom and toilet room when you turn on the light a humidity device starts making a demonic noise that will be playing for long.
There's a thermostat located next to the door of the bathroom and in front of another flatmate's room, this device controls the radiators for every room which is gonna be problematic in winter because in my case someone kept turning it off even thought the streets were snowed.
I think the owner should lower the price of the accomodation if this strategy goes on, because the facilities, kitchen's utensils, etc are gonna be more worn out if tenants stay being as careless, dirty as the ones I had the honor to share the flat with, to give context, they cut vegetables over the crystal table, leave vegetables peels all over the kitchen's floor, half-cut onions on the fridge making it impossible to have a brick of milk inside without it absorbing the smell of it, and making piles of trash over already full trash can, and not recycling.
I wouldn't return to this accomodation for the price I paid and the bad experience specially with the dirty flatmates I had to survive with for 2 months which made me use my own trash bags inside my room so I wouldn't have to be taking the trash of everyone out.
Funny story and to wrap it all, on the website for the room it says there's a hairdryer avaiable, when there's not a hairdryer in the flat. I asked Miss Martina for it on WhatsApp, and she promised to get it to me 'next week'. I'm still waiting for it, so, how could I ask them for help with the other issues when they couldn't fix that small issue? It was much easier to survive these 2 months and forget about my 3 nasty flatmates which as I recalled they were gonna be staying longer than me there.
Residential area with some shops, a big department center called Atrium Flora, tram lines, and metro line B.