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Rezervacijom ove nekretnine uživati ćete i u proširenoj zaštiti u obliku Stay Benefits - jedinstvene ponude koju podržava AXA! Evo što takav paket uključuje:
MyPlace obično odgovara na poruke unutar 8 sati .
Kada pošaljete zahtjev za rezervaciju, najmodavac je obaviješten da ste zainteresirani za njihovu ponudu. Od tog trenutka, oni imaju 24 sata da odobre ili odbiju vašu rezervaciju.
Najmodavci su uglavnom zainteresirani za profil svog stanara. Ne zaboravite ispuniti sve potrebne informacije, dodati svoju profilnu sliku ili čak napraviti kratki video o sebi. Time ćete biti privlačniji vlasniku i vaša će rezervacija vjerojatnije biti odobrena.
Možete pregledati ugovor unaprijed i online uz svaku ponudu. Nakon što ga potpišete, pronaći ćete ga u aplikaciji Moj Boravak.
Dok ugovarate ugovor na Flatio, ne morate se brinuti da bi vam mogao biti nepovoljan. Naši ugovori su napravljeni tako da izbjegnemo sve probleme! Svi su isti, koriste ih svi najmodavci na Flatio.
Vaše vrijeme je dragocjeno. Zato smo dodali opciju virtualnog obilaska na našoj platformi kako biste mogli vidjeti neke od najmova navedenih na Flatio iz udobnosti vlastitog doma.
Ako virtualni obilazak nije dostupan za odabrani smještaj, možete kontaktirati najmodavca i pitati ih jesu li voljni dati vam osobni obilazak unajmljene jedinice.
U slučaju da se uselite i unajmljeni smještaj ne odgovara informacijama na Flatiu, obavijestite nas što prije!
Ako su uvjeti za povlačenje ispunjeni i najmodavac ne može odmah riješiti problem, imate mogućnost povući se iz ugovora o najmu uz puni povrat novca. Također ćemo vam aktivno pomoći pronaći alternativni smještaj i biti uz vas dok se sve potpuno ne riješi.
Uvjeti i svi detalji o našoj Garanciji useljenja mogu se pročitati u ovom članku našeg Centra za pomoć.
Kako možete otkazati rezervaciju ovisi o tome u kojoj je fazi rezervacija.
Je li vaš zahtjev za rezervaciju još uvijek na čekanju za odobrenje najmodavca? Tada ga jednostavno možete otkazati izravno iz svoje Moj Boravak web aplikacije!
Međutim, recimo da je vlasnik već odobrio vaš zahtjev za rezervaciju i više niste zainteresirani za njega. U tom slučaju, još uvijek možete otkazati rezervaciju prije nego što potpišete ugovor o najmu. Samo imajte na umu da to trebate učiniti samo u nužnim slučajevima. Jer kada najmodavac prihvati vašu rezervaciju, njihova se nekretnina prestaje oglašavati i oni mogu izgubiti priliku iznajmiti svoju nekretninu nekome drugome.
Imate li odobrenu rezervaciju i također važeći ugovor? Kako biste otkazali svoju rezervaciju, kontaktirajte Flatio korisničku podršku dovoljno prije početka vašeg ugovora (specifično vrijeme i iznos povrata ovisi o vrsti politike otkazivanja).
Bez brige ako se u ovom stanu ne osjećate kao kod kuće. Imamo razne apartmane koji odgovaraju različitim potrebama. Naša stambena platforma nudi 753 druge stanove za najam u Lisabon koji bi mogli najbolje odgovarati vašim potrebama - imamo najbolji jeftini smještaj u Lisabon za vas.
Svi apartmani dolaze bez pologa gdje je to moguće i s režijama koje su već uključene u najam, tako da ne morate brinuti o skrivenim naknadama i možete uživati u svom boravku u Lisabon.
Štoviše, u slučaju bilo kakvih problema, imamo ljubaznu korisničku podršku koja će vam pomoći riješiti sve vaše probleme. Stoga provjerite druge apartmane u Lisabon i uživajte u svom boravku.
Što ćete dobiti?
Savjeti za putovanje kao digitalni nomad
Sve pogodnosti Flatio besplatno
Posebne ponude po posebnim cijenama - samo za registrirane osobe!
This rental unit have an amazing waterfront view
Beautiful sunsets and sunrise
relatively close to the Lisbon tourists' attractions approx
40 mins walk, Bodegas close by.
Host brought a coffee expresso machine and some pods we appreciated this very much
Luisa was very helpful and respectful, she is a very hardworking woman, Luisa was the only person to apologize to us for having such a terrible experience staying at this rental.
We are seeking a full refund for our stay as we should not be harassed and bullied by the residents in this building and disrespected by the Hosts, except Lucia.
Upon checking into this rental, we were threatened by several of the residents with calling the police on us, because we simply turned on the AC as it was very hot in the apartment.
These residents claimed that the AC was installed illegally and illegally placed. The police came after several days of being in this apartment, however we were not at the apartment.
It was very traumatizing for us to experience this type of hostility by the residents and to make matters worse, we contacted the Hosts managing the rental and they did not respond immediately, when they came over John visited first, he gives us some bs explanation for this issue and left.
We were threatened again this time the residents in this neighborhood stating that we would be removed by the police, this felt like discrimination and extreme hostile bias.
This hostile experience at this rental ruined our entire vacation
John and Antonio came finally and pretty much lectured us on why they did not come by immediately, John was very disrespectful to my wife telling her ohhh you would worry about a storm as well, completely dismissive and sexist attitude and behavior towards my wife Gail. We did not appreciate John rude and disrespectful attitude towards women especially and also to his guests.
John needs to learn how to be respectful to women and all of his guests. Antonio needs to be more hospitable towards his guests especially when checking them into their rentals.
Bathroom smells like sewer all the time, no p- trap and no toilet seat cover in this toilet, we spent most of our time cleaning and trying to get rid of the sewage smell coming from this bathroom.
The drapery kept coming off the hooks and it was too high for us to put it back on the hooks.
lots of sex noises coming from the apartments late into the night
and all hours of the day and night bring headphones for sure.
Garbage spewed outside in front of the building at all times, it also smells really bad, we had to close the windows during the day and night to prevent the awful smell from entering this rental unit as it is on the second floor.
Clothing line outside is rusted and ruined our clothing
especially the whites
Smoke fills the apartment from the smokers in the building, my wife gets migraines, so it was very difficult for her.
it's also not the friendliest neighborhood, even when you are supporting the businesses.
please note that this neighborhood is not scenic at all, just lots of buildings and it is also very hilly, if you have mobility issues, this rental will not work for you. If you are sensitive to noises and smells this rental will not work for you either.
professional tips for the owner of this rental.
Please add a large rug in the living room and bedroom
Please add quality throws and towels for your guests
Change drapery so that iy does not fall off the hooks
Please address the sewer smell coming from the bathroom
John & Gail
This Neighborhood was not friendly, dirty and trash everywhere.
Terrible food spots, cold coffee and bias, racist attitudes toward
me as a black woman.
The Halal Restaurant, bodegas in this neighborhood were good.
Pěkné a klidné sousedství. Za zajímavými podniky ale musíte jinam. Naštěstí mnoho dalších živějších čtvrtí není daleko, ať už pěšky nebo veřejnou dopravou. V blízkosti bytu jsou zastávky autobusu, sama jsem ale častěji využívala rychlejšího metra, jehož zastávka je asi 10-15 minut chůze.
Район без туристов, будет хорош для любителей прогуляться пешком.
It is perfect for a long-term stay, equipped with everything you need – high-speed internet, a dedicated workspace, air conditioning, and a fully stocked kitchen for cooking.
The apartment is filled with natural light and offers a fantastic view from the window.
The landlord was exceptionally accommodating and helpful with all matters. We are very happy with our choice of these apartments.
A minor downside is that the apartment is somewhat distant from large supermarkets and the subway, so be prepared for a lot of downhill walking.
Local neighborhood.
Tourist sites are close by.