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Rezervacijom ove nekretnine uživati ćete i u proširenoj zaštiti u obliku Stay Benefits - jedinstvene ponude koju podržava AXA! Evo što takav paket uključuje:
Irena obično odgovara na poruke unutar 6 sati .
Kada pošaljete zahtjev za rezervaciju, najmodavac je obaviješten da ste zainteresirani za njihovu ponudu. Od tog trenutka, oni imaju 24 sata da odobre ili odbiju vašu rezervaciju.
Najmodavci su uglavnom zainteresirani za profil svog stanara. Ne zaboravite ispuniti sve potrebne informacije, dodati svoju profilnu sliku ili čak napraviti kratki video o sebi. Time ćete biti privlačniji vlasniku i vaša će rezervacija vjerojatnije biti odobrena.
Možete pregledati ugovor unaprijed i online uz svaku ponudu. Nakon što ga potpišete, pronaći ćete ga u aplikaciji Moj Boravak.
Dok ugovarate ugovor na Flatio, ne morate se brinuti da bi vam mogao biti nepovoljan. Naši ugovori su napravljeni tako da izbjegnemo sve probleme! Svi su isti, koriste ih svi najmodavci na Flatio.
Vaše vrijeme je dragocjeno. Zato smo dodali opciju virtualnog obilaska na našoj platformi kako biste mogli vidjeti neke od najmova navedenih na Flatio iz udobnosti vlastitog doma.
Ako virtualni obilazak nije dostupan za odabrani smještaj, možete kontaktirati najmodavca i pitati ih jesu li voljni dati vam osobni obilazak unajmljene jedinice.
U slučaju da se uselite i unajmljeni smještaj ne odgovara informacijama na Flatiu, obavijestite nas što prije!
Ako su uvjeti za povlačenje ispunjeni i najmodavac ne može odmah riješiti problem, imate mogućnost povući se iz ugovora o najmu uz puni povrat novca. Također ćemo vam aktivno pomoći pronaći alternativni smještaj i biti uz vas dok se sve potpuno ne riješi.
Uvjeti i svi detalji o našoj Garanciji useljenja mogu se pročitati u ovom članku našeg Centra za pomoć.
Kako možete otkazati rezervaciju ovisi o tome u kojoj je fazi rezervacija.
Je li vaš zahtjev za rezervaciju još uvijek na čekanju za odobrenje najmodavca? Tada ga jednostavno možete otkazati izravno iz svoje Moj Boravak web aplikacije!
Međutim, recimo da je vlasnik već odobrio vaš zahtjev za rezervaciju i više niste zainteresirani za njega. U tom slučaju, još uvijek možete otkazati rezervaciju prije nego što potpišete ugovor o najmu. Samo imajte na umu da to trebate učiniti samo u nužnim slučajevima. Jer kada najmodavac prihvati vašu rezervaciju, njihova se nekretnina prestaje oglašavati i oni mogu izgubiti priliku iznajmiti svoju nekretninu nekome drugome.
Imate li odobrenu rezervaciju i također važeći ugovor? Kako biste otkazali svoju rezervaciju, kontaktirajte Flatio korisničku podršku dovoljno prije početka vašeg ugovora (specifično vrijeme i iznos povrata ovisi o vrsti politike otkazivanja).
Ako ovaj stan nije ono što tražite, ne brinite. Postoji 809 drugih stanova za iznajmljivanje u Prag na Flatio koji bi mogli savršeno odgovarati vašim potrebama. Bilo da tražite udoban studio ili prostrani stan za više ljudi ili veliku obitelj, Flatio nudi najbolji jeftini smještaj u Prag za vas.
Svakako istražite sve svoje mogućnosti i pronađite idealno mjesto koje odgovara vašem životnom stilu i željama, a sve to bez pologa i s režijama uključenim u cijenu.
Uz Flatio imate pristup detaljnim popisima, visokokvalitetnim fotografijama i provjerenim recenzijama bivših zakupaca koji su vam potrebni za donošenje informirane odluke. Započnite svoju potragu danas i otkrijte najbolje apartmane i smještaj u Prag s
Što ćete dobiti?
Savjeti za putovanje kao digitalni nomad
Sve pogodnosti Flatio besplatno
Posebne ponude po posebnim cijenama - samo za registrirane osobe!
Ей большая благодарность за гостепреимство и заботу.
Квартира удобна для длительного проживания. Есть все необходимое.
Кавртира имеет хорошее расположение.
Исторический цент недалеко. Рядом остановки транспорта, крупные торговые центры, парк Витков.
I will definitely book this again if any of my relatives are coming to Prague.
The location of this flat is in Zizkov which has a bad reputation in Prague, but I'd say we didn't we feel unsafe around the area. It has nice restaurants around, parks, beer garden, etc.
Go to Vitkov Hill, Parukarka Park, and try the vietnamese restaurants around!
The flat itself was very nice. It has everything you need and there's a bus stop right outside the door, so getting into the city center is no problem. The street is pretty busy and it can get a bit loud with the windows open but I personally wasn't really bothered. There's lots of stores close to the flat (most important ones being Billa and Lidl) but also restaurants and a park right behind the building that is fantastic for runs or watching the sunset.
I already miss Prague and can only recommed Irena's flat :)
Žižkov is close to the city center and sandwiched between the trendy (and expensive) districts Karlín and Vinohrady. There are few tourists in Žižkov and due to that most restaurants and bars are filled with locals. It's the perfect neighborhood to get to know genuine Czech culture, but close enough to Kalín's and Vinohrady's cool restaurants to just stroll over there.
Žižkov is also incredibly safe. I had no worries when walking alone late at night as a young woman (because while the buses drive every 5 minutes during the day, there's only one every hour at night).
Vítkov Hill is absolute lovely for daily walks and watching the sunset, Taiko serves the best ramen, Soul Chicken has amazing Korean Fried Chicken and Laura Hair Shop is the best hairdresser.
The only downside of the flat might be that Koněvova street is quite noisy because of the traffic all night long.
And the only downside of Irena might be her low level of English, considering that she rents a touristic apartment.
But again, all things considered, totally recommended!
Žižkov is well known for being the Prague district with most beer typical bars & beer gardens in Prague. Also one of the most international places and not that far from the very old center of the city. I would describe it as a more modern expansion of Prague, not the city from the postcards, but more authentic. The flat isn't located in the best part of Žižkov, in my humble opinion, but still very close to it. And of course, it's back to back with Vítkov park which is an amazing place for running or taking a walk with terrific views of Prague.
Of course, the bar Planeta Žižkov, in the exact point where Koněvova street (where the flat is located) changes its name to Husitská. A walkable distance from the flat. Also the very typical Czech bar U Vystřelenýho oka, and in front of that, the bar / restaurant which makes part of Hotel Victor. Good places in a very short distance one another.
Family neighbourhood, good location.
A bit alternative
Matoka, right across the street
I had never been in Prag before I moved there for my Erasmus program and wasn't sure if I was going to be able to find a home and landlord that is dependable.
Irena was extremely nice enough to even pick me up from the airport when I landed in Prag and was always within an arm reach when I had question.
I would highly recommend her and her beautiful house!
Thank you very much Irena💛
The flat was very cozy, with new and complete equipment (washing machine, dishwasher, oven...).
The neighbourhood was quiet with supermarkets nearby (Lidl and Billa), restaurants, pubs and a huge park ideal for sports or relaxation...
In addition, it was well connected to the centre with a bus stop just a few metres from the house.
Take care of yourself Irena and thank you for everything!
Antonio and Alesandra.
Landlady statement:
Dear Melisah,
thank you for your comments.
I'm very sorry for your dissatisfaction.
I have checked the flat in advance in order to avoid any problems and I also care very much about cleaning.
The plumber has not found imperfections of the toilet.
Windows can be opened normally, the apartemet is new.
I had no information about your special mattress preferences;
in offer are just classic.
Sorry for this misuderstanding and discomfort.