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Rezervacijom ove nekretnine uživati ćete i u proširenoj zaštiti u obliku Stay Benefits - jedinstvene ponude koju podržava AXA! Evo što takav paket uključuje:
Kada pošaljete zahtjev za rezervaciju, najmodavac je obaviješten da ste zainteresirani za njihovu ponudu. Od tog trenutka, oni imaju 24 sata da odobre ili odbiju vašu rezervaciju.
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Vaše vrijeme je dragocjeno. Zato smo dodali opciju virtualnog obilaska na našoj platformi kako biste mogli vidjeti neke od najmova navedenih na Flatio iz udobnosti vlastitog doma.
Ako virtualni obilazak nije dostupan za odabrani smještaj, možete kontaktirati najmodavca i pitati ih jesu li voljni dati vam osobni obilazak unajmljene jedinice.
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Ako su uvjeti za povlačenje ispunjeni i najmodavac ne može odmah riješiti problem, imate mogućnost povući se iz ugovora o najmu uz puni povrat novca. Također ćemo vam aktivno pomoći pronaći alternativni smještaj i biti uz vas dok se sve potpuno ne riješi.
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Kako možete otkazati rezervaciju ovisi o tome u kojoj je fazi rezervacija.
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Međutim, recimo da je vlasnik već odobrio vaš zahtjev za rezervaciju i više niste zainteresirani za njega. U tom slučaju, još uvijek možete otkazati rezervaciju prije nego što potpišete ugovor o najmu. Samo imajte na umu da to trebate učiniti samo u nužnim slučajevima. Jer kada najmodavac prihvati vašu rezervaciju, njihova se nekretnina prestaje oglašavati i oni mogu izgubiti priliku iznajmiti svoju nekretninu nekome drugome.
Imate li odobrenu rezervaciju i također važeći ugovor? Kako biste otkazali svoju rezervaciju, kontaktirajte Flatio korisničku podršku dovoljno prije početka vašeg ugovora (specifično vrijeme i iznos povrata ovisi o vrsti politike otkazivanja).
Nemojte se obeshrabriti ako vam ovaj stan ne pristaje savršeno. Dostupne su nam i druge opcije.. Flatio nudi mnoge druge apartmane za iznajmljivanje u Prag koji će biti savršeni za vas. Bilo da tražite udoban studio ili prostran stan, Flatio za vas ima najbolji jeftini smještaj u Prag.
Najbolje od svega je što su svi bez pologa gdje je to moguće, imaju jedinstveni ugovor o najmu koji vas štiti, a uz režije uključene u cijenu nema skrivenih naknada koje bi vas mogle iznenaditi.
Flatio vam također daje detaljne popise, fotografije visoke kvalitete, iskrene recenzije stanara i sve informacije koje su vam potrebne za donošenje informirane odluke. Dakle, započnite svoju potragu danas i otkrijte najbolje stanove u {{locality}} s
Što ćete dobiti?
Savjeti za putovanje kao digitalni nomad
Sve pogodnosti Flatio besplatno
Posebne ponude po posebnim cijenama - samo za registrirane osobe!
The apartment was in the best location!
You must visit La casa blu for mexican food and kavarna elvira for coffee
1.) Noise= every day noise! Street noise, construction, hammering drilling about every day there was noise.
2.) Smell= The stinky smell of the outside hall of trash and cigarettes mixed with the restaurant below.
3.) Furnishings= The furnishings are very outdated and dirty need updating. The flooring is in very bad shape super scuffed up so bad you cant even tell if its clean or dirty!
4.) Dirty= When I moved in the floor was dirty, kitchen counter tops dirty caked in white powder, grease all around the stove top, shower had thick grime built up that took me a hour to clean.
5.) Not family friendly= the bottom floor of the apartment building is a hotel like hostel tenants come and go and leave trash are dirty and loud. Had to call the cops one night for noise after hours and neighbors not friendly.
6.) Landlord= He was trying to get me to pay for his apartment repairs not caused by me. This was all brought to my attention a couple weeks before I moved out how convenient! Landlord sending me many messages borderline harassment. Daniel mentioned money and looking forward to going back to work soon I am assuming it is the lack of funds he has. Overall Daniel is a poor Landlord too worried about money and does not care about his tenants!
1.) Location
2.) Cost of rent at the time during the pandemic was low but not anymore its pretty much doubled and overpriced now.
3.) Stable internet
I moved in early February (during covid pandemic) everything was nice and quiet as expected just some traffic noise as the living room and bedroom windows are facing the street. The room is on the 3rd floor so the very cold winter wasn't too bad heaters worked. The windows in the apartment are about as old as the building 100 years old and very poor insolation. When I first moved in about half of the windows were not close all the way letting in below freezing temperatures I was trying to figure out why the apartment was not warming up and found the reason. One of the windows had a handle missing creating a hole letting the freezing air pour in I contacted the landlord to have it repaired he sent a handy man to fix it no problem but am wondering how this was overlooked and not fixed before I moved in.
There are issues with this apartment and the location but the biggest issue I had was the NOISE so much noise! At first when I moved in it was quiet due to it being February no tourists and a pandemic but once the weather started to warm up and tourists poured back in there seemed to be noise every night. About 10 days after moving in I was woken up at 7:30 am with loud drilling and hammering which sounded like right above me. The drilling was so bad the walls were shaking vibrating this went on for a month! When I called my landlord asking if he knew there was going to be construction he denied everything which I find to be a lie as he had to of been given a noticed about construction in the building were he owns a apartment.
The construction was so loud couldn't even hear the tv and forced me out of my own home with my two 4 year old kids it was unbearable and keep in mind this is dead winter freezing out. The landlord could care less and was very annoyed with my complaints even got angry at me arguing with me on the phone absolutely awful experience. The street right in front of the apartment was being paved for weeks would wake up to the smell of asphalt and loud machinery right outside my window. I had strangers coming inside the apartment building knocking on my door asking to talk to me about a apartment for auction next door to me and others ringing my intercom very annoying. One person wasn't even wearing a mask and was asking me to open the door this was back when covid was very bad.
Overall a poor experience I do not recommend Daniel as a Landlord or this apartment. I do not recommend living in Prague 1 old town area it is dirty, loud and smells.
Very loud, smells, unfriendly locals not family friendly. Convenient to public transport and shops.
Any place outside of Old town Prague 1