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José obično odgovara na poruke unutar 2 sata .
Kada pošaljete zahtjev za rezervaciju, najmodavac je obaviješten da ste zainteresirani za njihovu ponudu. Od tog trenutka, oni imaju 24 sata da odobre ili odbiju vašu rezervaciju.
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Imate li odobrenu rezervaciju i također važeći ugovor? Kako biste otkazali svoju rezervaciju, kontaktirajte Flatio korisničku podršku dovoljno prije početka vašeg ugovora (specifično vrijeme i iznos povrata ovisi o vrsti politike otkazivanja).
Ako ovaj stan nije ono što tražite, ne brinite. Postoji 771 drugih stanova za iznajmljivanje u Lisabon na Flatio koji bi mogli savršeno odgovarati vašim potrebama. Bilo da tražite udoban studio ili prostrani stan za više ljudi ili veliku obitelj, Flatio nudi najbolji jeftini smještaj u Lisabon za vas.
Svakako istražite sve svoje mogućnosti i pronađite idealno mjesto koje odgovara vašem životnom stilu i željama, a sve to bez pologa i s režijama uključenim u cijenu.
Uz Flatio imate pristup detaljnim popisima, visokokvalitetnim fotografijama i provjerenim recenzijama bivših zakupaca koji su vam potrebni za donošenje informirane odluke. Započnite svoju potragu danas i otkrijte najbolje apartmane i smještaj u Lisabon s
Što ćete dobiti?
Savjeti za putovanje kao digitalni nomad
Sve pogodnosti Flatio besplatno
Posebne ponude po posebnim cijenama - samo za registrirane osobe!
No issues with the wifi (as two remote workers). The apartment can be loud with cars and planes. Kitchen is equipped with most things, bedroom is a bit small, but manageable.
We loved getting to know the area a bit more!
Well connected with buses to most areas of the city, no metro close by, so can be a pain to reload your transit card. The neighbourhood has some good local restaurants/bakeries, but about 20-30 walk east gives you lots more options. Also a nice options to eat at the restaurants along the river. Nearest supermarket is 12 mins walk.
All the things you would need (dishwasher, nice bathroom, towels, fast internet, TV, stove etc), comfortable and ....a view!! (not that common in Lisbon.
For somewhat taller people: be aware that double bed is 183x133cm....
Walking distance from restaurants as well at the riverside (good for walking and running!!). Small shops nearby and bigger ones just on stop away by bus/tram....
Tip: get yourself a 40€/month Lisbon metropolitan area public transport ticket (arrange online slightly before arrival, so yu can pick up on day one)
In short: great place to stay with nice, reliable owners. Just go there!
A bit noisy but full of nice restaurants and cafes
Gleba Bakery, La Camionetta pizza
It is a five minute walk to the riverfront. The apartment is on a Main Street that has lots of different shops, restaurants and cafés within a five to ten minute walk. It felt safe, clean and walkable. There are two large Supermarkets (Lidl and Pingo Doce) within a fifteen minute walk. It is a very functional neighborhood.
Get your bread at a bakery called Gleba, only a few blocks from the apartment.
The location is great. I appreciated being so close to the waterfront, which is perfect for walks. Walking to the center is only about 20 min and the Alcantara-Mar train station is just around the corner for easy access to Cascais.
The only downside is that the apartment is by a busy road and it gets pretty noisy so needed to sleep with earplugs.
The apartment is very well-equipped with all the amenities you could ask for, including a well stocked kitchen that has a lot of what you would need to whip up your favorite meals. This level of attention to detail is impressive and makes it feel like a home away from home.
However, there are some drawbacks to this otherwise lovely apartment. The most significant issue is the noise. The apartment is situated in a bustling part of town, and the noise from the streets, neighbors, and nearby establishments can make it quite challenging to get a good night's sleep. If you're a light sleeper or someone who values peace and quiet, this might not be the ideal place for you.
Another downside is the bed. The mattress itself is uncomfortable and seems to be on the smaller side, making it especially tough for taller people to get a good night's rest. I'd recommend the host consider upgrading to a more comfortable and larger bed to cater to a broader range of guests.
In conclusion, this apartment has many great features, such as its fantastic location, cozy ambiance, and well-equipped amenities. However, the noise levels and uncomfortable bed might be a deal-breaker for some. I would recommend this place to those who can tolerate a bit of noise and are not too particular about their sleeping arrangements.
I would say it's more residential, it's not buzzing with tourists as Chiado, for example, provides more of a laid-back atmosphere. It does have a lot of nice restaurants, brunch places and cafes to offer. There is at least one very nice viewpoint over the harbor, there are parks nearby.
A very special place where you can find everything you need.
The butcher, the french bakery, the bakery Gleva
Manuela was very helpful and kind, I didn't need anything during my 3 week stay but she was very accommodating with timing for move in/move out.
Casa do Zé sits at the corner of R. Pres. Arriaga. Just down the street on your right is Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, with a lovely Miradouro at the steps of the park 9 de Abril. To the left, there are cafés and small mercados for fruit and vegetables. Bus stops toward Eduardo VII Park with a botanical garden Estufa Fria. Trains at Alcantara Mar to Belém and further.
- Eduardo VII Park, botanical garden Estufa Fria
- Belém
- Oceanário de Lisboa
- Último Porto Seafood Restaurant
- Church of Sao Roque
- Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara
Manuela, Jose’s wife, was a very caring a present host. During our stay, there was an unexpected issue with the shower, which she came to fix immediately. She also offered us free days as compensation.
Traditional portuguese venue. Metro doesn’t reach here, but you have bus stations near.
Coffee Lab
Brunch restaurant Bloom across the street
Come Prima
Batata Doce
Thank you again, I had wonderful stay
The area is safe and it's at walking distance from most interesting spots of the city, but be prepared to walk a few kilometres each day. In the immediate neighbourhood there are pastry shops, bars, supermarkets, minimarkets and butcher, ice cream shops and a couple restaurants. The river is nearby and makes for a very nice promenade. Traffic in very high and the noise is noticeable.
The local bars near the flat, the ice cream shop and the city centre of course
Alcantara is a residential neighborhood, with everything you’d need from small Portuguese restaurants and markets, to international food and fancy coffee as well. It is close the the river and connects well to the center of Lisbon, as well as the west (Belem, Cascais, etc.)
The river Tagus, the parks at the instituto superior de agronomia, LX factory
Apartment is very well equipt, good location, amazing view from the flat.
Would recommend either for short or long stay.
Very nice, safe. Nice viewpoints, close to parks.
Very safe, small restaurants around with variety of food, walkable distances to go anywhere, a bit windy but beautiful views
Lx Factory
Manuela and her family replay in 10 min and are super supportive with everything 🥰.
I would recommend this apartment to solo travelers and digital nomads - so you won't regret it!
It's a central area with nice historical buildings and everything you need around. In the meanwhile, it's not super crowded.
Nice butchery store, a Lebanese bakery
with views of the April 25th Bridge and Cristo Rei (Christ statue) across the Tagus river.
The location is walkable to Alacantara, Santos, and all the necessities. Lidl grocery store is located close to the LX Factory. Mini Mercado carries many varieties of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other household needs. The neighborhood is not loud or party central. I walked everywhere. However, several bus routes are nearby.
The Antiga Museum, the April 25th park, and Park of Necessidades (5-8 minutes away) - wonderful for a shaded walk, picnic, family time, watching the peacocks, ducks, and chickens that roam the former palace grounds.
Restaurants: The Chippy Lisbon ( delicious battered fish), Greek Tavern Dionysis, Love Kebab, Tunel de Santos, Darshan Nepal 2, Gelato Davvero, Bloom restaurant, a delicious pizza restaurant on the same street.