Vaš boravak u ovom smještaju bit će pokriven našim paketom StayProtection s uključenim Stay Benefits! Pročitaj više
Basic grocery samples to get you started and also a set of cleaning products. When available you may have a basket of local fresh veggies and fruits from my farm (depending on availability).
500 Mbps
150 Mbps
Brzina interneta je neovisno provjerena od strane Pogledajte rezultate
Datum pregleda: 5. 2. 2024
First, the host was super friendly and brought oranges from the family fruit farm - very juicy and sweet oranges, and such a warm welcome. Kitchen had everything you could want and more - even a hand blender, which we used to make a big healthy…
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Svakim iznajmljivanjem putem Flatio, automatski ste pokriveni našim paketom StayProtection.
Rezervacijom ove nekretnine uživati ćete i u proširenoj zaštiti u obliku Stay Benefits - jedinstvene ponude koju podržava AXA! Evo što takav paket uključuje:
Ricardo obično odgovara na poruke unutar 2 sata .
Kada pošaljete zahtjev za rezervaciju, najmodavac je obaviješten da ste zainteresirani za njihovu ponudu. Od tog trenutka, oni imaju 24 sata da odobre ili odbiju vašu rezervaciju.
Najmodavci su uglavnom zainteresirani za profil svog stanara. Ne zaboravite ispuniti sve potrebne informacije, dodati svoju profilnu sliku ili čak napraviti kratki video o sebi. Time ćete biti privlačniji vlasniku i vaša će rezervacija vjerojatnije biti odobrena.
Možete pregledati ugovor unaprijed i online uz svaku ponudu. Nakon što ga potpišete, pronaći ćete ga u aplikaciji Moj Boravak.
Dok ugovarate ugovor na Flatio, ne morate se brinuti da bi vam mogao biti nepovoljan. Naši ugovori su napravljeni tako da izbjegnemo sve probleme! Svi su isti, koriste ih svi najmodavci na Flatio.
Vaše vrijeme je dragocjeno. Zato smo dodali opciju virtualnog obilaska na našoj platformi kako biste mogli vidjeti neke od najmova navedenih na Flatio iz udobnosti vlastitog doma.
Ako virtualni obilazak nije dostupan za odabrani smještaj, možete kontaktirati najmodavca i pitati ih jesu li voljni dati vam osobni obilazak unajmljene jedinice.
U slučaju da se uselite i unajmljeni smještaj ne odgovara informacijama na Flatiu, obavijestite nas što prije!
Ako su uvjeti za povlačenje ispunjeni i najmodavac ne može odmah riješiti problem, imate mogućnost povući se iz ugovora o najmu uz puni povrat novca. Također ćemo vam aktivno pomoći pronaći alternativni smještaj i biti uz vas dok se sve potpuno ne riješi.
Uvjeti i svi detalji o našoj Garanciji useljenja mogu se pročitati u ovom članku našeg Centra za pomoć.
Kako možete otkazati rezervaciju ovisi o tome u kojoj je fazi rezervacija.
Je li vaš zahtjev za rezervaciju još uvijek na čekanju za odobrenje najmodavca? Tada ga jednostavno možete otkazati izravno iz svoje Moj Boravak web aplikacije!
Međutim, recimo da je vlasnik već odobrio vaš zahtjev za rezervaciju i više niste zainteresirani za njega. U tom slučaju, još uvijek možete otkazati rezervaciju prije nego što potpišete ugovor o najmu. Samo imajte na umu da to trebate učiniti samo u nužnim slučajevima. Jer kada najmodavac prihvati vašu rezervaciju, njihova se nekretnina prestaje oglašavati i oni mogu izgubiti priliku iznajmiti svoju nekretninu nekome drugome.
Imate li odobrenu rezervaciju i također važeći ugovor? Kako biste otkazali svoju rezervaciju, kontaktirajte Flatio korisničku podršku dovoljno prije početka vašeg ugovora (specifično vrijeme i iznos povrata ovisi o vrsti politike otkazivanja).
Residential neighborhood between the center and the University of the Algarve.
For food I'd recommend Restaurante O David, next to the Mercado Municipal de Faro, and Churrasqueira da Penha Dentinho.
La estancia ha sido buena.
Está muy concurrido, por el día los restaurantes y tiendas abren, por la noche cuando hay partidos de fútbol se llena de aficionados (muy ruidosos) pero los demás días es tranquilo. Los fines de semana hay buen ambiente en bares y discotecas.
Recomiendo los locales para tomar algo y merendar, frente a la estación de autobuses. Y coger el ferry para ir a Praia de Faro.
Kitchen had everything you could want and more - even a hand blender, which we used to make a big healthy soup!
Accessibility- the building is quite dated, and accessibility probably wasn’t in the planning. There is 2 steps up to the entrance, and 4 steps in the lobby before you get to the lift, which is also very narrow - so this may be difficult if you have a pram or wheelchair.
While the building is dated, the apartment itself has had a full renovation and feels very modern, with a couple of traditional items of furniture in the living space - which give it a really unique feel.
There are also windows running the whole length of the living room, which means there’s always plenty of light coming in, making the space feel bigger.
There is easily enough space to do a home workout - either in the lounge if you move some furniture around, or on the long balcony - which runs the length of, and is accessible from both of the bedrooms. Plus, the streets in the surrounding area are perfect if you like to run in your neighbourhood.
The workspace available in the apartment is brilliant. Both bedrooms have a desk with a really big 2nd monitor - unfortunately the monitor is not height adjustable, but the chair is so you can optimize the set up a little to make it right for you.
The desks are also set up with lamps so you can get the lighting just how you like it.
The interest was also very fast and reliable here - 250mbps!
Getting work done here was no problem all.
I felt very at home here - small things like lots of hangers in the wardrobes and having a laundry basket made it feel really convenient, not like many other mid term rentals!
This listing was 100% as described, and I’ll be happy to stay here again in Faro.
The neighbourhood was a little out of the centre of Faro, around 20mins from the marina.
The surrounding area seemed a little run down, but only in the same way that the outskirts of any city is.
Even if slightly run down, it didn't feel especially unsafe or dangerous at any point.
We didn't use any public transport here, as it's such a walkable area.
Yellow Bourbon coffee was a nice place to get a morning coffee and even do a short stint of work.
There are 3 supermarkets in walking distance
Pingo Doce across the road
Lidl and Continente both around 15/20 mins.
The apartment is located at one of the major roundabout in Faro. There is a grocery store near by. Pedestrian crossing is a breeze. Parking is available but sometimes could be a bit hard depending of the time. There is a Hospital nearby, meaning this come with short ambulance siren. Nice neighborhood!
The Forum mall is great. We went to the seafood restaurant Gimbras (12 minutes walk). This family restaurant is a place you should GO. I bet you will never have a better food and service!