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Imate li odobrenu rezervaciju i također važeći ugovor? Kako biste otkazali svoju rezervaciju, kontaktirajte Flatio korisničku podršku dovoljno prije početka vašeg ugovora (specifično vrijeme i iznos povrata ovisi o vrsti politike otkazivanja).
It is close to the beautiful old harbor. From the balcony you can see the ocean. The supermarket and taxis are right outside. Just a few steps in any direction you will find a restaurant.
I will recommend the cafe in the harbor and the restaurant at the beach.
Very central location right above Pingo grocery store and a central market with shops and amenities.
Vila da Carne - great steakhouse
Restaurante Vila do Peixe
The location fabulous, with restaurants across the street and bands on the weekends. Area is loud but worth he location. Apartment was warm.
Beautiful fishing village and very festive
All were good
Close to the harbor, right above a supermarket, close to the restaurants and the beach. Only about a 20min drive from Funchal. I haven't tried public transport, so can't say anything about that.
Don't leave without trying Brisa and Poncha!
Câmara de Lobos is a nice place. Its harbour is one of recommended places to visit during trip to Madeira.
There is a beautiful oceanside walkway towards Funchal. However, it's under construction at the moment and closed right after cement factory.
The apartments are located on the main street, right above the grocery store (which is very convenient), and opposite the market. The location is quite noisy due to diesel intercity busses and horrible sounding motorbikes (of which there are many). It's okay during night (after midnight till ~6 am) but sometimes you don't want to open windows during the day because of the noise. Another problem is smokers (from the grocery) who usually stay right under your windows making you (and your kids) smell their smoke.
And there are bunch of homeless people who usually hang around entrance to the apartments. They are harmless but sometimes might be a bit noise (one of them loves to whistle all the day, they can argue sometimes).
Visit CHOUX PÂTISSERIE when you are in Funchal. You won't regret. They have really good deserts, and the atmosphere is very peaceful.
The apartment is a great size for a family of 4 and the balcony is great for morning and evening chilling time. It's very interesting to watch life right in front of the building from the balcony.
There is a great route to Funchal and a natural pool around the sea. 2,2km by walking around the sea. Great bars and sand beaches to explore there.
It was 40 minutes on average to a lot of lavadas around the island, and 15 minutes to Funchal. We found a great Praia de Machico (beach) which was amazing. The best lavada for kids was PR 6.1 - Levada do Risco.
Little Things to improve in the apartment -> mattress and hot water during the stay.
We stayed in December and we were surprised by the temperature of the ocean. A couple of times we swam with kids.
Sorrento Pizzaria, Praia Formosa Restaurante - great meal right next to the beach. You can eat and watch kids while they are playing.
- Quinta Magnolia (nice park, patio restaurant)
- Ilha Park (snack foods, enclosed trampoline park for kids)
- Santa Catarina (beautiful park, small cafe adjacent)
- Espettus (great steak, nice restaurant)
- Forum (shopping mall has a free Christmas train and Santa Claus)
The location is great, but keep in mind it's pretty noisy during the day since a grocery shop and busy street are located right next to the apartment.
Diana is an incredible host: she was in touch during our entire stay, and she is very helpful and friendly :)
The communication with the host was great.
For those sensitive to sound, the flat does receive some outside noise from the passing cars and some people on the street, but you can choose to sleep in the second room to avoid any disturbance.
Steps away from the charming fisherman’s village and gorgeous views of the water. Quite a handful of people lingering on the streets, just as an fyi, but never a safety concern.
Vila do Peixe
Sorrento - get the Diavola pizza 😋
Nice place