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Pročitajte sve recenzije Flatio-a od stanara i najmodavaca ili steknite vlastito iskustvo. Sigurno je i jednostavno.

Jared T. Stanar
No deposits for short stays is very nice and customer service responds to complaints quickly. However complaints are not resolved most of the time and they cant do much about my complaints.
Prikaži više
15.07.2021 Prag
Gabriella B. Stanar
Nem volt beirva a cim csak az hogy történelmi hely.
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07.07.2021 Budimpešta
Eva S. Stanar
I miss the function to provide a feedback to the apartment I have rented directly on the website.
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02.07.2021 Prag
João O. Najmodavac
Inserimos listings dizendo que animais não são permitidos, potenciais inquilinos com animais fazem pedido na mesma e somos obrigados a rejeitar, não nos deixando opçao.
Prikaži više
01.07.2021 Lisabon
Marta S. Stanar
How to contact with them
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29.06.2021 Prag
Abdelrahman Z. Stanar
The company Kept sending emails that I have to pay a day that I already agreed on the owner with. The emails felt threatening and constant. Thank god the owner was understanding tho
Prikaži više
28.06.2021 Prag
Andrew T. Najmodavac
Allow landlords and tenants more flexibility to discuss plans with tenants, rather than the tiny window to accept you offer. I've had to cancel two room offers which i wanted to go through with, because i had to ask the tenant a question and didn't get a response back in time. Also assuming that we only rent rooms on your platform and punishing us after 3 declined offers is an issue as you don't have enough customers to fill the rooms often and so the dates we have set as available are always going to change without notice.
Prikaži više
23.06.2021 Matosinhos
Wiktoria H. Stanar
The website lags all the time and my reservation got denied even though the owner sent me a message that the apartment is vaialable
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03.05.2021 Caniço
Natalia K. Stanar
Good service
Prikaži više
20.06.2021 Prag
Kateřina K. Stanar
Ještě nemám dost zkušeností. Uvidím, jestli se mi tentokrát zdaří získat ubytování. Flatio mi připadá méně transparentní (pronajímatelé jsou prezentováni dost anonymně, někteří nemají vlastní forku, jen ilustrovaný obrázek...) než Airbnb, což je škoda vzhledem k výběru bytů.
Prikaži više
18.06.2021 Prag
Faysel A. Stanar
My discount code did not apply, I will cancel immediately if I've been missled
Prikaži više
17.06.2021 Lisabon
Alexander C. Stanar
I'm reserving judgement until I've actually used the site,
Prikaži više
16.06.2021 Vila Nova de Gaia
Tunde D. Stanar
Nincs személyes kapcsolat.
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16.06.2021 Budimpešta
Vitaly R. Stanar
sorting and searching by area of apartment
Prikaži više
15.06.2021 Prag
Sandra V. Stanar
This is the first time using it. We don't have much to say yet, but we're hoping to be thrilled with Flatio!
Prikaži više
13.06.2021 Lisabon
Peter B. Stanar
The service fee that Flatio charges is really off-putting, as it scales with the price of the apartment being rented and doesn't represent any additional value being provided by Flatio. The services that are supposed to be offered as a result of this fee are rarely available. Additionally, there are no reviews available from other travelers.
Prikaži više
13.06.2021 Ponta Delgada
Gaudencio Fandialan F. Stanar
Additional description like energy rating.
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08.06.2021 Portimão
Jorge S. Stanar
Só dei esta nota porque é a minha primeira experiência, e que ainda não está concluída
Prikaži više
06.06.2021 Lisabon
Csaba Robert T. Najmodavac
Having contracts without deposit is a big problem. When there's a negligent tenant the owner has nothing in his hand to enforce his interest.
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02.06.2021 Budimpešta
Taylor L. Stanar
Discount code wasn't applied
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02.06.2021 Porto
Veronika K. Stanar
vysoky servisny poplatok na kratkodoby pobyt
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30.04.2021 Prag
Yvette J. Stanar
Úplně jsem nepochopila, proč musím obšírně popisovat důvod pronájmu na dvou místech (vyjížděcí menu a ještě textové pole), když se jedná o kratkodobý nájem typu dovolená. U delších nájmů by to bylo již pochopitelnější - možná by stálo za úvahu, zda tuto povinnost "vysvětlení" nerozlišit podle délky poptávaného nájmu, tedy zavést ji třeba u nájmů nad 30 dní.
Prikaži više
30.05.2021 Prag
Cynthia S. Stanar
Most of the housing I was interested in was not available for the months I needed.
Prikaži više
28.05.2021 Almada
Emil T. Stanar
I am not «not» satisfied, it’s just too early to ask me if I’d recommend it.
Prikaži više
28.05.2021 Lisabon