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Pročitajte sve recenzije Flatio-a od stanara i najmodavaca ili steknite vlastito iskustvo. Sigurno je i jednostavno.

Lal D. Stanar
Too early to say if I'm satisfied or not.
Prikaži više
16.11.2020 Lisabon
Henrik Z. Stanar
Because the owner doesn’t answer the reservation request. AirBnb hosts always answers...
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07.11.2020 Lisabon
Kdfksf S. Stanar
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30.08.2020 Prag
Phil B. Stanar
At least not for this place, managed by Shame that Flatio did not interfere as they usually provide excellent service...
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26.08.2020 Prag
Sofia Š. Stanar
Komunikaci se zákazníky a vstřícnost vůči nim.
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17.08.2020 Prag
Nadine S. Stanar
The contact between flatio an the user is very bad. You don’t get an answer quick. The prices of the flats are too high.
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17.08.2020 Budimpešta
Menah H. Stanar
Prices change weirdly , within no time , the price break down is never clear
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23.07.2020 Prag
Hamza B. Stanar
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12.07.2020 Prag
Jaroslav M. Stanar
13 000
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12.07.2020 Prag
Martin T. Najmodavac
Dobrá platforma, dobrý on-line servis, ale bohužel nedokáže odfiltrovat odpodní nájemníky, jako jsem měl já.
Prikaži više
01.07.2020 Prag
Matěj M. Najmodavac
Po těchto zkušenostech, schválení bydlení manžela bez mého vědomí a tom, jak jste se postavili k problému, mám problém vám důvěrovat.
Prikaži više
27.06.2020 Prag
Klara B. Stanar
Priznam se, ze po posledni zkusenosti musim Flatio prehodnotit. Na Vasich strankach zduraznujete pojmy jako duvera, spolehlivost, overene nabidky a podobne. Moji duveru Flatio zklamalo. Neverim, ze kazdy byt osobne navstevuje auditor. Pokud by tomu tak bylo, jiste by si dotycny vsiml, ze v dome neni vytah, presto, ze jej majitel bytu inzeruje! Nepritomnost vytahu by mohla byt problem pro starsi hosty nebo maminku s kocarkem, pripadne pro nekoho se zdravotni indispozici. Jak jsem uvedla v recenzi, i pro me to byl problem (byla jsem cerstve po operaci), ale protoze jsem nevedela o casovem limitu na odstoupeni od smlouvy, v byte jsem nakonec musela zustat. Nejak jsem si s tim poradila, o to ted uz ani nejde, ale moje hodnoceni bytu i Flatia to samozrejme ovlivnilo. Doporucila bych Vam proto majitele tohoto bytu na tento nepravdivy udaj upozornit a vyzvat ho k uprave profilu a inzerovani bytu podle skutecnosti.
Prikaži više
29.01.2020 Prag
Robert M. Stanar
Your customer service is scandalously bad, and you should be ashamed of asking so much money from your customers while treating then like crap when they need help to fix an issue caused by your own inefficient systems. I can safely say I'll never use Flatio again.
Prikaži više
17.01.2020 Bratislava
Matt H. Stanar
Landlord didn't reply to Reservation
Prikaži više
11.01.2020 Krakov
Miroslava L. Stanar
Ráda bych zhodnotila až později, zatím jsem velmi spokojena, děkuji Vám.
Prikaži više
17.10.2019 Brno
Ivan G. Stanar
Flatio service is too expensive. Had issues with payment, the GoPay service provider is very bad, working only on weekdays and takes a lot of time to respond to any issues. Would not recommend to anyone.
Prikaži više
05.10.2019 Prag
David P. Stanar
I appreciate the customer service, but they need to screen the people who they work with much better to make sure that they're not scoundrels that will actually do more harm then good. The people who you work with are a reflection of you at some level. Try to improve by cleaning out all "dark corners," and that may require professional help. Your future is in your hands.
Prikaži više
04.10.2019 Prag
Phil B. Stanar
I believe I should get at least a full refund as description does not fit reality, and the experience was really poor compare to many other places in Prague.
Prikaži više
24.09.2019 Prag
Edgar S. Stanar
I would like to be able to rent immediately. Otherwise I have to wait for a response prior to make other reservations.
Prikaži više
11.09.2019 Beč
David P. Stanar
Stop working with low life scoundrel liars before you get sued...
Prikaži više
24.08.2019 Brno
Anna B. Stanar
Not reliable enough, very complicated to make payments, prices are not lower than normal arnbnb
Prikaži više
21.08.2019 Beč
Ferenc P. Stanar
Rendben van
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19.08.2019 Budimpešta
Lindsey W. Stanar
I had a change in dates and wanted money back, but instead was told I had to just get a more expensive rental to cover what i had already paid. I asked for the service fee ($30 or so) to be waived since I felt like my customer service was lacking, and I was told that was impossible).
Prikaži više
16.08.2019 Prag
Hagen B. Stanar
Katastrophe, man kann nicht Business buchen, aber es wird Rechnungsstellung verweigert! - Ein absolutes NoGo!
Prikaži više
08.08.2019 Beč