Flatio - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Read all reviews of Flatio from tenants and landlords or make your own experience. It's safe and easy.

Kojay T. Tenant
the short term rental period, and the simple website use as well as the reputation of flatio
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18.06.2020 Budapest
Xicong L. Tenant
It'd be better to provide a voucher for frequent users.
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28.06.2020 Prague
Vitaly R. Tenant
For people who travel a lot / "digital nomads" like myself this is an ideal solution for moving between places, spending an ample amount of time in each place without paying daily airbnb / hotel rates, and not worrying about language / cultural barriers / security deposits.
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09.07.2020 Prague
Dominika P. Tenant
Přehledný seznam nabídek
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09.07.2020 Prague
Jaroslav P. Tenant
Quick and easy!
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09.07.2020 Prague
Peter K. Tenant
Egyszerű, jól kezelhető, átlátható
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09.07.2020 Budapest
Thiago P. Tenant
The service is great but the comition is high.
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08.07.2020 Prague
Lenke D. Tenant
A lakások bemutatása.
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08.07.2020 Budapest
Andrea Katalin N. Tenant
Áttekinthető az oldal, könnyen kezelhető.
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23.06.2020 Budapest
Dominika H. Tenant
Bez kauce, rychle vy4izeni r3zervace
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08.07.2020 Prague
Klára Č. Tenant
Všechno :)
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08.07.2020 Brno
Zsuzsa M. Tenant
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08.07.2020 Budapest
Daniel A. Tenant
Clean looking interface, very user friendly. Lots of cities. Inspires trust.
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08.07.2020 Brno
Michael A. Tenant
Airbnb is more widely known but flatio is great for more long term rentals like I need.
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08.07.2020 Prague
Jitka M. Tenant
Nejvíce se mi líbí přehlednost nabídek bytů a umístnění na mapě. Trošku bych vylepšila aby se při pohybu mapa nezasekávala.
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08.07.2020 Prague
Juan José R. Tenant
The platform
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08.07.2020 Prague
Erzsébet V. Landlord
Könnyen érhető és kezelhető felület. Segítőkész support.
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07.07.2020 Budapest
Karel H. Tenant
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07.07.2020 Prague
Bronislav R. Tenant
Vše mi příjde fajn.
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07.07.2020 Prague
Renata K. Tenant
prehladnost stranky
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07.07.2020 Prague
Molnar J. Tenant
Több opció
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07.07.2020 Budapest
Devin B. Tenant
I thought it was simple to work with Flatio and enjoyed the swift and easy handling when I messed up a rent payment by forgetting the id number.
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06.07.2020 Prague
Jacopo K. Tenant
Rychlost vyhledani dobre nabidky.
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06.07.2020 Prague
Daniel B. Tenant
Good support! Quick and informative answers
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05.07.2020 Prague