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James W.
Siječanj 2019
James boravio 3 mjeseca u Prag
I did not stay in this flat.
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Allison R.
Siječanj 2019
Allison boravio 17 dana u Prag
When we first moved into the apartment, the wifi didn't work, we didn't have heat in the bedroom, our shower pressure was very low and was only a drip of water. Then one night our power went out. After we contacted the landlord about the issues, he installed a new shower head, tried to fix the wifi (it only sometimes worked), and he fixed the heat a little bit. Overall it was an ok apartment, not good that everything didn't work when we moved in, but good that it eventually worked out.
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Jakub K.
Siječanj 2019
Jakub boravio 2 mjeseca u Prag
Be super-careful with the owner. He was trying to get extra money from me: first he prolonged the contract for another 12 months without my consent, then he asked me for cash when I didn’t want to pay it and I started receiving reminders from Flatio. Do NOT give him cash, pay everything via the Flatio system.

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Andrea T.
Prosinac 2018
Andrea boravio 2 mjeseca u Prag
1) Excellent location: tram stop around the corner, 5 minutes to the Metro. Supermarket, other shops and restaurants nearby.
2) Balcony.
3) Well-equipped kitchen.
4) Large, comfortable bed.
5) The apartment looks recently renovated.

To be fair, some of the points below reflect our own experience and have since been fixed (especially 2&3). The owner is reactive and tries to solve the problems, but is doing so from a distance because he does not live in Prague, so everything takes more time.

1) The apartment was found in an unimaginably filthy condition that we had to remedy ourselves (e.g. urine underneath and around the toilet seat, trash in the bin, traces of food in the microwave, in the kitchen drawers, in the fridge and the oven, ashtrays full of cigarettes on the balcony, dust everywhere, mold in the washing machine, dirty laundry in the laundry bin etc.). Certainly the next guests will find it much cleaner than we did.
2) The dishwasher was not working for the first month of our stay.
3) There was a problem with the wireless router resulting in an unstable connection until about 5 days before we left.
4) There is not a single chair in the entire apartment. There is a desk and a single small stool, so you will probably end up eating on the tea-table in the living room.
5) Keep in mind that, as is very common in Prague, there are no blinds. Some obscuring curtains would have been welcome.
6) The check-in was a bit complicated, as the owner was not there and we had to retrieve the keys from the owners of a small shop downstairs who did not understand a word we were saying (the problem was solved by the owner over the phone).

Overall the apartment will work fine for two people, especially if a few details are adressed. It desperately needs someone to take care of it on a more regular basis.
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Linar F.
Prosinac 2018
Linar boravio 1 mjesec u Prag
The greed of the owners is simply amazing. We were forbidden to even use the oven.
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Concetta P.
Prosinac 2018
Concetta boravio 1 mjesec u Prag
Terrible experience. Difficult communication with a non cooperative landlord. Very dirty apartment. Non supportive customer assistance from Flatio.
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Devin S.
Prosinac 2018
Devin boravio 1 mjesec u Prag
The owner was good and responsive, but the flat was not the best. When I moved in, it clearly had not been cleaned for a while. The place smelled heavily of cigarette smoke, the floors were messy and dusty, and the bathroom also had an odd odor to it. There was even a half-drank bottle of apple juice sitting on the bathroom sink from the last tenant.

Overall, good and responsive owners, but the flat was not clean at all.
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Samuele C.
Listopad 2018
Samuele boravio 2 mjeseca u Linz
good place very quite
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Felix K.
Listopad 2018
Felix boravio 1 mjesec u Prag
The flat had a lot of flaws, the most important ones: one out of two heating plates was not working, washing mashine was not spinning (I had soaking wet clothes.), and the doorlock broke. Overall not a very good shape.
I contacted the landlord about the issues, it took too long (and too many reminders) to get them fixed (doorlock 1.5 days, others mentioned ~1 week), compared to the duration of my stay. Also I had to pay the master for repairing the washing mashine up front (500CZK/20EUR) and did not get it back for 3 weeks and I was not even told when I would get it back. Apparently, the landlord has too many flats to take care of and it is "not a big amount"... . At least, he is available via messenger. We were just not on the same page what communication should be like.
There are many pubs, a supermarket, and restaurants nearby, and I recommend Stromovka park. The window is not toward the street so it is quiet.
Overall, there were too many problems with the flat for the short time (6 weeks), and I had the feeling that the landlord did not take them seriously. Location is great.
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Julia R.
Listopad 2018
Julia boravio 22 dana u Brno
Apartment was Ok, but price for value was pretty bad.
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Sophia H.
Rujan 2018
Sophia boravio 7 dana u Prag
The flat was cute by it self but there was mold in the kitchen, the bathroom tiles were broken and the showe door does not close. I would love to attach pictures but sadly that’s not possible.
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Oksana A.
Rujan 2018
Oksana boravio 3 mjeseca u Prag
Nevyhovovala nás stavba před oknama . Byli jsme zaskočeni . S miminem skoro na 3 měsíce , mělo to hrozné .
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László H.
Rujan 2018
László boravio 2 mjeseca u Beč
There where some problems with communication.
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Pallav A.
Kolovoz 2018
Pallav boravio 16 dana u Prag
Great place but flat didn't come across as had been advertised by the owner. I never met the owner but staff was managing the property. Staff was great and helpful. They did what they could with in their limitations. Flat had some stuff that was broken. Sofa had really seen its time. It's time to change that. 4 beds in mezzanine did not leave any space. Had to carefully walk through them. But even then I enjoyed my stay because of great location and lovely staff. One thing that I must add, view from the window was great and I found it soothing. In all I would recommend but sofa needs to be changed.
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Judit F.
Kolovoz 2018
Judit boravio 1 mjesec u Budimpešta
Nyári időszakban a lákás kissé felmelegszik. Mi éppen egy kánikula közepén laktunk ott, ezért ez sajnálatos módon kellemetlen volt klíma és ventillátor nélkül. Ettől függetlenül jól éreztük magunkat.
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Farid A.
Srpanj 2018
Farid boravio 16 dana u Prag
The flat is recently renovated and has all the equipments in kitchen and bed ,but the building is old and the flat is in 4th floor without elevator.
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Krzysztof W.
Srpanj 2018
Krzysztof boravio 28 dana u Prag
The flat didn't have the advertised washing machine, which I found very dissapointing and dishonest. This required me to do laundry runs to nearby laundromat. Also a kettle and clothes iron were not there (later David offered to bring iron).

Generally it is a nice flat in relatively good neighborhood, but I found the facilities inadequate.

Landlords reaction:

I am a bit disappointed by this review, since apparantly Krzysztof didn't read the apartment describtion correctly, and is now accusing me of beeing dishonest without any reason. I never advertised that there is washing machine in the apartment. I really don't understand where he got this information from. It never was in describtion nor marked as equipment. He acted a bit surprised during move-in when I told him there is no washing machine in the flat but didn't say a word. If he would mention that he expected it in the apartment I would gladly go throught the listing with him to make sure there is no misunderstanding. I explained it isn't there since there is laundry room just couple minute walk away and gave him instructions where to find it. Sadly he didn't say anything and wrote this review without letting me know or double checking the listing if he got the info right. I even tried to contac t him re garding this misunderstanding right away when I read the review, but he is not responding, so there isn't anything I can do about it.
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Radim K.
Srpanj 2018
Radim boravio 1 mjesec u Beč
Pokud se s někým domluvím na čase, tak předpokládám, že to dodržím a případně pokud nemohu dorazit tak dám vědět. Bohužel v jejich případě musíte volat, aby se někdo obtěžoval (rozumějte, zvedl zadek) přijít… neuvěřitelný přístup. Pokud by se to stalo jednou, tak by se to dalo ještě prominout, ale pokud se to stane vždy, tak to už je opravdu naschvál. Je těžké říci, s kým zrovna komunikujete, jelikož za danou osobou se skrývá několik lidí, kteří evidentně spolu nekomunikují a pokud ano tak si myslím, že špatně. Potom to ale tak vypadá. Co se týká bydlení tak to bylo opravdu na "facku". Je jasné, že u hlavní ulice (centrální okruh) bych čekal protihluková okna. Byt byl rekonstruovaný v roce 2014, ale spíše bych řekl tak o deset let dříve (o kvalitě nemluvím, tam žádná kvalita nebyla) a pak nic. Navíc byt je situovaný v přízemí vedle vchodu, navíc vchod je celý den otevřený, takže člověk má pocit, že sedí přímo na ulici (dveře od bytu mají nulové protihlukové vlastnosti). Je to průchoďák. Navíc byt silně zapáchal cigaretami. Po mé stížnosti mi nabízeli, že to vyčistí, ovšem takové věci se mají řešit před a ne během pobytu, navíc po zkušenosti s tím, jak nejsou schopni ani přijít v konkrétní dobu, by mne ani nenapadlo je o něco žádat. Bylo by to zbytečné. Jedná se v podstatě o 2 pokoje, mikroskopická koupelna (nevím, zda to tak nazvat), chodba s pračkou a jednou dvoj-plotýnkou. Navíc nádobí a hrnce nevypadaly moc umytě, prostě udělej si sám. Bydlení je vhodné tak pro maximálně měsíční bydlení s kolegy z firmy, ale ne rozhodně na delší dobu, natož s rodinou! Bydlení je extrémně hlučné a prakticky nelze větrat, ledaže milujete výfukové plyny. Jinak inventář majetku jsem zažil na kolejích v době mých studií na VŠ nečekal bych to zde, jenom jsem zíral. Kromě toho, že ten člověk (zase byla domluva!) přišel o dvě hodiny později, ale tvrdil mi, že klepal. Pán evidentně lhal. Ten člověk počítal i příbory (OMG!) a přitom je samozřejmě všechny osahal… chuťovka (přemýšlel jsem, jestli si myje ruce po wc). Neuměl slovo anglicky, takže co bych mu měl říkat. Měl odečítat energie, ovšem byl slepý jak patrona, ještě že jsem byl po ruce.
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Syuzi T.
Srpanj 2018
Syuzi boravio 15 dana u Prag
12 дней без теплой воды. Мы каждый день должны были тратить деньги и пойти в бассейн, чтобы принять душ.
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Alfred G.
Srpanj 2018
Alfred boravio 1 mjesec u Prag
A bit noisey.
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Orgest L.
Lipanj 2018
Orgest boravio 4 mjeseca u Prag
Everything was ok but the flat is not appropriate for that price. no more than 15000kc should be the price.
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Alessandro N.
Travanj 2018
Alessandro boravio 1 mjesec u Prag
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Grzegorz Ś.
Travanj 2018
Grzegorz boravio 29 dana u Prag
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Karam A.
Ožujak 2018
Karam boravio 1 mjesec u Prag
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