Flatio, Prague - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Prague, Češka: Read reviews from both tenants and landlords who've had rental experiences in this destination!

Iveta Š. Tenant
Jenom samý zprávy a nic se pořádně nevyřeší.
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14.04.2023 Prague
Michaela F. Tenant
Mé hodnocení není negativní, ale neutrální. Dosud nemám s Flatio dostatečně zkušenosti aby mi bylo možné služby ohodnotit. Myslím, že by bylo lepší dotázat se na spokojenost později v procesu nájmu.
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06.05.2023 Prague
Liubov K. Tenant
Komunikace s Flatio pred rezervaci
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29.12.2022 Prague
Klára F. Tenant
Nemám dosť informácii aby som vedela hodnotiť
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02.05.2023 Prague
Pavel R. Tenant
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01.05.2023 Prague
Luis F. Tenant
Zamítnutí rezervace nájemcem bez udání důvodu.
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19.04.2023 Prague
Jerusan S. Tenant
Not ergonomic enough
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07.04.2023 Prague
Jan B. Tenant
Zatím jsem reagoval jen na jeden inzerát a tam za 399 poplatek byla jen možnost napsat majiteli vzkaz (dva a oba bez reakce), uvítal bych telefonní kontakt, bez nich je realitní jednání o ničem.
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04.04.2023 Prague
Matyáš V. Tenant
Velmi vysoký poplatek za rezervaci a nutnost při odjezdu uklízet mi trochu vadí. Pronájmy tu rezervuji, jen když nenajdu na airbnb.
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04.04.2023 Prague
Salome L. Tenant
It's got super expensive.
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17.03.2023 Prague
Veronika P. Tenant
Zatim nemám zkušenosti
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10.03.2023 Prague
Andrés P. Tenant
The answers from the tech support were incredibly slow and barely useful. I'm still waiting on a refund of my first two rent days, over a month after I've moved in. Aso, I celebrate the fact that you allow the users to pay on Bitcoin, but the system bugs I experienced while trying to do just that are utterly inacceptable.
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09.03.2023 Prague
Joe M. Tenant
I have never used this service before and I am still waiting to see how the rental turns out.
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25.02.2023 Prague
Zdenek P. Tenant
Dal jsem neutrální hodnocení, protože je zatím na hodnocení brzy.
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18.02.2023 Prague
Matthew J. Tenant
everything was fine but its expensive
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16.02.2023 Prague
Hai Dang P. Tenant
First time using your service. So i'm still skeptic about ít. Hopefully, this won't be a bad choice. We'll see how my first experience turns out.
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10.02.2023 Prague
Beniamino F. Tenant
zatim jsem spokojeni az uvidme jak to bude probihat
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05.02.2023 Prague
Enzo V. Tenant
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31.01.2023 Prague
Noémia Isabel R. Tenant
Had some troubles with making the bank transfers and currency exchange rates. Have transferred more money that what i was supposed to. No disclaimer on the bank transfer method on how you will have to pay the exchange rate yourself.
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13.02.2023 Prague
Paul L. Tenant
Being asked these questions after 2 minutes of registering
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17.12.2022 Prague
Monica P. Tenant
I don't understand very well how it works And why only 6 months long stay
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24.01.2023 Prague
Logan G. Tenant
I just started using th service and dont know how good it is yet. You should have asked me after I have used the service for awhile.
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12.01.2023 Prague
Dmytro K. Tenant
Money for discount were not returned.
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15.01.2023 Prague
Paula B. Tenant
Make sure the flats are in excellent condition before they can be rented to someone.
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30.12.2022 Prague