Flatio, Prague - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Prague, Češka: Read reviews from both tenants and landlords who've had rental experiences in this destination!

Liza M. Tenant
The filter option, good and less expensive options
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06.04.2024 Prague
Barbora J. Tenant
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06.04.2024 Prague
Alfred B. Landlord
Dovolat se na živou osobu bez delšího čekání, když je potřeba něco řešit
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05.04.2024 Prague
Jan-Georg S. Landlord
Allowing switching of currencies.
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05.04.2024 Prague
Lenka B. Tenant
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05.04.2024 Prague
Vannkiriya K. Tenant
Flatio is an excellent rental site. I only wish I had discovered it sooner. The customer service is outstanding; they respond very quickly to messages whenever there's an issue, which is great.
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04.04.2024 Prague
Jana L. Tenant
Služby flatio hodnotím velmi kladně.
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04.04.2024 Prague
Monica P. Tenant
I felt safe with Flatio because my previous landlord stole money from me from my deposit. With Flatio I did not think anybody would profit from my money again. I think flatio is the best option to rent a flat in Prague because the city is nice but full of scammers and people who like to profit from poor students.
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04.04.2024 Prague
Simon E. Tenant
One month eviction notice and no "protection" for the client for the contract to be upheld, the owner can do whatever they please.
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03.04.2024 Prague
Simon E. Tenant
its easy
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13.12.2023 Prague
Dario D. Tenant
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01.04.2024 Prague
Karolina S. Tenant
Dobré ceny
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03.03.2024 Prague
Anatolii P. Tenant
Простота и конкретика
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28.03.2024 Prague
Marie Z. Tenant
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26.03.2024 Prague
Iurii S. Tenant
Goede fotos en duidelijk beschrijving
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24.03.2024 Prague
Jaime S. Tenant
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22.03.2024 Prague
Ankitkumar P. Tenant
Untouched properties in affordable price comparison to other websites.
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22.03.2024 Prague
Gabriela D. Landlord
Komunikace je super a vždy jsou ochotní majitelům pomoci.
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20.03.2024 Prague
Martin Č. Tenant
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20.03.2024 Prague
Ivan M. Tenant
Esče nič,ja esče ne objednoval nič s vama,ale myslim co vše bude dobre
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19.03.2024 Prague
Ganna B. Tenant
Богатый выбор доступного и удобного жилья на любой вкус. Удобная система бронирования.
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19.03.2024 Prague
David V. Tenant
Flexibilita s rezervacemi a osobní spojení s hostitelem.
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17.03.2024 Prague
Ronald T. Tenant
Easy to use
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16.03.2024 Prague
Eva H. Landlord
Dobry den, potrebovali bychom pocitat i jednotlive osoby na jeden den pronajmu. Je velky rozdil v nakladech a spotrebach, pokud prijede rodina nebo jen jedna osoba. A nastavovat jednu osobu na nizsi cenu a zbavovat se tak moznosti pronajmu pro rodinu a naopak je nelogicke a neprakticke... Moc by nam to pomohlo, kdyby se Flatio rozhodlo pro tuto moznost. Take by nam moc pomohlo, kdyby se pronajem konkretniho najmece v Kalendari zablokoval az po zaplaceni pronajmu. Jiz nekolikrat se nam stalo, ze si najemce rezervoval a pak nepodepsal smlouvu ani nezaplatil. A my jsme tak meli zablokovany Kalendar pro dalsi potencionalni najemce nekolik dni... Predem dekujeme za zvazeni. Srdecne zdravime, Eva
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14.03.2024 Prague